Saturday, November 10, 2012


Geo-politics is inserting itself in the Thanksgiving Turkey.

Among the most cunning observations is the melting of the Artic cap. Preventable, human made, or precognized in tabular scriptures, the Artic cap is breaking.

The opening ceremony occurred a few years back at the height of Russian growth. Seen as a transcient nationalistic act by most, it was explained by a few as the begining of a race to a new world. It was a simple event: a Russian submarine placed the Russian flag on Artic underwater soil which was accessible for first time in thousands of years.

The most relevant prediction is the raise of Canada from Backyard neighbor to Artic power with new direct commerce routes to very developed markets. It is like the discovery of a new route to the Indies except this time the walkway might be private.


I think the new edition of Smithonian copied from this posting; they just added a page to each sentence.
March 25th, 2013.