So much happening, not enough time to keep up. I am not even talking about looking at the numbers. That is not an option. So much noise: Foreclosures, Russia, Pension funds everywhere with issues - pulling out of stocks, failing, accounting issues; then regulation passed, now implementation of regulation, Cuba, IPad slow but changing a lot of things, app world forming, where is google going?, yahoo, etc.
But of course, the obvious is the constant prediction and the prophesy: IBM with "Strong demand in developing markets." It would be news if they weren't the supply. They had to face the issue of you can't hire the whole world to work for the whole world, so they change the strategy a bit: hire a populous country instead which is half the world.
I even forgot that Benjamin Netanyahu is back in power.
China's new subtle PR is interesting. It is hopeful. Once a country portraits that image, it will have to follow through. I have lived the opposite, but slowly they might be raising their own bar. It is interesting to see young modern nations. It gets childish at times. They speak about protecting their jobs with so much innocence like an enlightenment concept never heard before. Almost like if they repeat it over and over, people will understand. But these are issues western nations have faced every single quarter for at least a century. Sometimes you just have to loose. It is almost like Russian roulette by the primer ministers of any country that matters.
Blogs and their lack of structure. I thought a concrete title will keep it on topic. Let's try that again.
But the main news which has moved to second page is Bernanke: "no all who wander are lost". We hope.